Why is the Initiative called raised to life?
Our church has a long history of seeing God radically change lives through the Gospel. When a person becomes a follower of Jesus the Bible says that they go from being dead in their sins to being “Raised to Life”. We are inviting you to join our church family as we address imminent needs of our current campuses and opportunities to affect the future impact of The Hills.
What does it include and why are we doing it?
It is our goal that we Raise to Life new believers, church plants, and buildings to continue the mission that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:18-20. Our vision is to see 2000 decisions for Jesus, 1000 baptisms, 5 new church plants, 10 church plants internationally, pioneer an after-school program at our Tulare Street Campus, develop an outdoor fellowship plaza at our Old Town Campus, a sanctuary remodel at our Novato Campus and build a new youth center at our North Campus. The impact this will have on the future of our church and our impact in the community and around the world is immeasurable. Whenever God’s people come together and worship him by giving, serving, and praying we push back hell! The "Big C" Church in our culture suffered huge losses during the pandemic. We see this as our opportunity to press forward with the Gospel and push back the darkness. Who’s the Church? WE are! And we believe whenever we commit and sacrifice to do this together, God is eager to bless US!
Where do we expect to begin and how long will it take?
It is our hope that we will start in December of 2022 and finish in December 2024.
Can I give specifically to my preferred campus?
Because The Hills family of churches operate as one church we also have administrated ourselves this way financially. Gifts given to the Raised to Life campaign go to one fund and are distributed according to the careful planning of our pastors and trustee board.
Why are we raising new buildings?
The youth ministry at our North campus has grown significantly over the last 2 years. They currently meet in the Venue and are quickly outgrowing it. Over the last 2 years, they have shared the room with 6 different ministries. Our North Campus is strategically located across the street from Clovis North and Clovis Community College. Additionally, this building will enable us to minister to our members and the community through weddings, funerals and other special events.
Why are we renovating existing campuses?
Before the pandemic, Pastor Shawn told leadership that the future of smaller churches was dire. His thought was that as housing and cost of living rose in California, smaller churches were going to struggle to afford a pastor let alone to do ministry in their community. Local churches in strategic locations would close and the property would become retail and apartments. Churches like Clovis Hills could step in with human/financial resources and technology to continue the local expression of Christ in each community. The Pandemic seemed to accelerate the struggle for smaller congregations and we have added 3 new campuses. If we are to continue to reach these communities, we must address growth needs, deferred maintenance and technology issues.
Can we raise 6.5 Million beyond our existing budget in 2 years?
Through consultation with Generis, our stewardship firm, we believe $6.5 million is an attainable goal. Evangelical churches typically raise around two to three times their annual giving in a financial campaign. For our church, two times our annual giving would be $7 million. Mature disciples of Jesus Christ are generous with their time, spiritual gifts, and financial resources. While giving looks different for every person, if we give sacrificially, we will not only meet our goal, but exceed it and experience God’s joy in the process. Yes! With God all things are possible.
What is the best way to give to the initiative?
The most important place to begin is by completing a Commitment Card on which you can indicate what you plan to give over the two-year campaign period. This card is vital as it informs the Hills Church what to expect and how to wisely plan expenditures.
When the time comes to begin giving, a number of methods are available:
• Online giving, which can
be used for all giving to Clovis Hills Church
• A giving envelope with the Raised To Life designation
• Text giving
• Stocks/non-cash gifts; to arrange a stock or non-cash donation, contact AnnMarie Shew at the Business Office annmarie.shew@clovishills.com
Will I be able to change my 24-month commitment if I need or want to?
Of course! Unforeseen circumstances may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment in the future. At any time during the 24 months, you can review or change your Raised To Life commitment by calling the church administrative office at 559.297.2600.
What if I can’t afford to give right now?
Even in times of scarcity, God wants our hearts. The widow who gave her last mite did not make a very big financial contribution, but Jesus said she gave the largest gift of all. Raised To Life is about all of us coming together, giving generously, and trusting God to do the rest. It may mean God is asking you to trust Him by making a faith commitment that you do not know how to fulfill right now. God has supplied our every need in Christ, and we trust He will honor a heart that wants to give generously in response to the gospel.
There may also be ways to be sacrificial with your lifestyle to create a margin for generosity in your life. Look for ways to involve the entire family in the process of giving generously. Use this as an opportunity to teach children and grandchildren to obey the Lord with a generous heart and to trust Him. This is a great opportunity to take a look at our overall stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us.
How are we seeking God’s direction in these efforts?
The current direction of The Hills has been steeped in prayer asking for discernment, direction, courage, and unity. Multiple teams of ministry leaders, as well as our leaders, have joined together to ask what God wants from us at this time. The direction of Raised To Life is the result of these prayers.