Our primary goal is to grow as disciples, following the Lord’s calling that He has for each one of us. As God writes the story of our lives, He has a bold, courageous, and personal purpose to our lives that we want to discover together, and challenge each other to become.
In this season, we are challenging everyone to commit to being open to what God is trying to do within them, and we want to see 100% engagement in this commitment to grow as disciples of the Lord.
Over the next two years, every gift given at every Hills campus will go to one fund to help us raise up new disciples, new churches, and new buildings.
Raised to Life brings all the ministries of The Hills Church together into one fund over the next two years.
$3.25 x 2 + $6.5 = $13 MILLION
Throughout the Bible we find God’s people coming together to make sacrificial giving for his purposes. People have different economic situations and what God calls his people to are different amounts of giving but equal sacrifice. To continue the existing work of ministry that our church does and to accomplish this vision we will need to raise 13 Million for the next 2 fiscal years (2023 and 2024) This is an astounding goal that if reached will change countless lives for generations to come.